Still, I do think of golf as a summer sport and am determined not to play in temperatures below 50 degrees (or 10 degrees Celsius) ever again. We are playing for fun, after all, not for money. Anyhow, my post on Facebook got a response from a fellow golfer:
A bad day on the golf course is better than a good day at the office
Of all the golf related sayings I think this is the worst.
Why would anyone in their right mind prefer a bad day over a good one?
If you’re one of them, there are a few possible explanations. Firstly, you hate your job with a vengeance and would actually prefer to wash your windows, clean your toilet or do the dishes all day long (or any other task you really don’t like doing). I’d suggest you get another job.
If that means getting trained in something new, do it. You’ve learned to play golf to the level you’re playing at, you can learn anything. Okay, if you started playing as a child, this may not be true.
Secondly, you are a masochist. Which of course helps while learning to play golf. And while playing golf. I’m not. Not to the extent of gladly freezing my butt off. Or to happily suffer through a round of golf with 140 or so bad shots. If that happens, I’m frustrated and get angry. And would much rather be somewhere else.
Having lunch with a friend, maybe. Enjoying the good weather strolling along a river. Or having a good day at the office. Anything, really, that is better than a bad day on the golf course.